Warranty + Terms

Customer Agreement This Customer Agreement (“Agreement”) is made as of the date set forth on the front hereof by and between VeneerLab, LLC (“Company”) and the customer as set forth on sent invoices and statements (“Customer”). The Company and the Customer do hereby agree as follows:

1. Payment Terms. Full payment, as set forth on the Company’s current fee schedule for all products, work, services, or shipments requested and pursuant to each order placed by the Customer shall be due upon invoice, which is delivered via mail, email, or with case. For the initial 6 months, all accounts are subject to credit card billing per case and will be required to keep a credit card on file to establish credit. Once credit is established the Customer may elect to continue with automatic credit-card billing on a monthly basis. As a courtesy, a monthly statement will be sent on the last day of the month, which will provide a history of outstanding invoices and balances. Additionally, the Company will provide a 15 day grace period to allow Customer sufficient time to process the statement and mail in a check, money order, or pay via credit card. Balances not paid by the 15th of the month shall be marked past due and the balance will be automatically billed to the Customer credit card on file. The Company recommends mailing or making the payment no later than the 10th of each month, so that it will be received before the 15th. Any unpaid balance or past due invoice for 30days or more, will be subject to the Company’s customary late fee of (10%) per month, and all future shipments to the Customer shall be on a “Bill-Credit-Card-Prior-To- Ship” basis only, until the Customer’s entire outstanding balance and late fees are paid in full. 1.1 Valid Credit Card on File. Customer agrees to place, and maintain, a valid credit card on file with the Company which will be kept on file in the Company’s Case Management Software. Customer agrees that for initial 6 months of account establishment period Company can bill in a per case basis upon shipment or delivery, at the Company’s option. Customer agrees Company can bill any and all outstanding past-due balances against the credit card on file. Company agrees to digitally encrypt the information in the Company’s Case Management System. Customer shall have access to change, add, or remove card information at any time by signing into the Case Man agement System. It is the Customer’s responsibility to insure card on file is valid with a credit limit capable of paying any past-due amount.

2. Shipping Terms and Conditions. The Company shall use its best reasonable commercial efforts to prepare all products, work, ser vices or shipments requested by the Customer in a timely fashion. However, the Company cannot and does not represent or warrant that such products, work, services, or shipments will be delivered by any particular date, unless otherwise agreed by the Company. The laboratory does not guarantee the performance of independent carriers. The Customer may not claim any offset or reduction in price for products, work, services or shipments for any alleged late delivery, discrepancies, shortages, claims, or incorrect shipments unless agreed to in writing by the Company. The lab reverses the right to charge rush fees for cases requested before minimum working times.

3. Customer Orders. All Customer orders or requests for products, work, services or shipments requested by the Customer shall be made in writing pursuant to the forms made available by the Company for such purposes. The Company reserves the right to disregard any other orders or requests. The Customer shall supply the Company in writing with all specifications and information reasonably required by the Company to produce and prepare any prostheses or other items requested by the Customer. While the Company reserves the right to request, from time to time, further specifications or information from the Customer on each order, it expressly disclaims any duty to do so and may rely entirely upon the original specifications and information provided by the Customer without any duty of investigation or further inquiry. The Customer shall be solely responsible for the accuracy of any such specifications or information. Further, upon receipt, the Customer shall be responsible to inspect the products, work, services, or shipments requested by Customer, including, without limitation, all prostheses for proper application, fit, alignment and ultimate use.

4. Device Warranty: The Company warrants (1) that all products or services are made according to the Customers specifications and approval (2) that all new devices will fit the master die or master model. (3) that the device you purchased is warranted against defects in workmanship and materials as detailed below. THE COMPANY MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FINTESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In the event of unsatisfactory restoration performance, the lab will repair or replace the device without charge for the cost of the materials and workmanship or credit the account, at the lab’s option, as follows: (1) Fixed final prosthetics (excluding implant cases with angulations greater than 20 deg.), up to 1 year. (2) Transition, temp restorations, composite, resin or inlay onlay , bridges, up to 30 days.

4.1 Warranty Activation/Validation: To activate/validate the Device Warranty, the following conditions must be met: 1) case must be paid for. 2) Original restoration, models, and impressions* must be returned to the originating laboratory along with a new completed work authorization. 3) The original work authorization, or evidence of original purchase (invoice), must be included along with a above items.*If information sent during remake request is different than original, which includes, but is not limited to, modified teeth preparations, modified bite registration, or modified instructions different from what was originaly prescribed this will be considered a new case and may result in full charge for remake of the restoration. Under special circumstances, at the labs discretion, a courtesy 50% discount may be applied on the final invoice. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied and may not be modified.

4.2 Device Warranties do not include nor apply to: (1) Surgical or Immediate removable devices (2) Devices that remained unpaid or that have an oustanding balance will not be covered until invoice is paid in full.(3) cash refunds, temporary replacements, costs incurred for removal or reinsertion, costs incurred by another laboratory (4) devices that have been previously repaired or altered from new (5) device damage or ill-fit due to accident, neglect or abuse, which can include but is not limited to: improper handling, over-adjusment, or breakage of a device. (6) Failure due to changes in tissue or bone structure, shifting of dentition after initial impression, or improper dental hygiene. (7) device that fails due to due to de-bonding (adhesive failure), which can be a direct result of improper bonding procedure. (8) Failure due to incorrect or incomplete physical or written information with case or Rx; this can include, but is not limited to, impression with unclear margins, incorrect bite registration, missing information, wrong shade. (9) In the case of implant prosthetics, failure due to not using implant position verification jig (especially cases with more than 2 implants). (10) Failure due to inadequade cementation or preparation technique for the material requested from that recommended by the manufacturer. (11) Failure due to completion of a device, at your request, after the lab gave prior failure warning.